Welcome to our online Community Book of 8

If you haven't read about The Spiritual 8 yet, visit our Spiritual 8 page to learn about it, get your own Personal Book of 8 and find out how our Community Book of 8 works! 

Once you've downloaded your own Personal Book of 8 via the Spiritual 8 page, begin to fill in your book with your own answers and insights, then visit our online Community Book of 8 blogs below to share your answers and insights and to be inspired by others' answers and insights. Here are the blog links, jump on in and join us...

*Each blog opens in its own separate window

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 1 - Personal Mythology

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 2 - Sacred Texts & Guidance

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 3 - Values & Guidelines

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 4 - Religions & Spiritual Paths

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 5 - Spiritual Practices

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 6 - Life Passion & Purpose

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 7 - Good Times, Bad Times

Spiritual 8:  Exploration 8 - What Do I Believe?


Some Notes...

The 8 are not meant to be sequential or to be completed once and never revisited. Instead, think of your Spiritual 8 journey as a lifelong one, ever-evolving, and begin by noticing which of the explorations excites you most. Start there and when you are drawn to another of the 8, follow that. You don't have to finish one exploration to move on to another, instead bounce around as you are inspired. As you do the eight explorations and fill in your own Personal Book of 8, you recognize your own rich cosmology of beliefs, values and practices that guide you to live a life that is not only deeply connected to something larger, but also deeply rooted in expressing that connection in your relationships and in what you contribute to the world. Learn more about The Spiritual 8 and download your own Personal Book of 8 here if you haven't already.

Excited to be on this journey with you!

Lisa Hunter

Founder, Sacred House