Welcome to Page 4 of our COMMUNITY BOOK OF 8

The Spiritual 8:  Eight explorations to create your own personal spirituality

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The Spiritual 8:  Exploration 4

Religions & Spiritual Paths

Scroll below to add & get insights on our Religions & Spiritual Paths blog!

The invitation here is to explore different religions and paths with the goal to learn, experience and gather information about what resonates for you – what approaches, what stories, what practices. The idea is that different things work for different people and the more you try different things, the more you discover what works for you. 

What religious and/or spiritual paths have you explored or are you drawn to explore? What paths best help you connect with something larger, and why? What doesn't resonate with you and why? Keep a running log here of what you discover and watch how it helps you define your own personal spirituality over time.


This is a brand new blog page! Be one of the first to contribute to Exploration 4 in our Online Community Book of 8  - let us know what you added in your Personal Book of 8 for this exploration by posting it in a comment on our Exploration 4 blog below. Return to the blog often to be inspired by others' entries and to add more of your insights as you explore Religions and Paths for the years to come. Scroll below to see the latest entries...

*Note:  When you leave a comment, you'll need to provide your email address, but that is just for moderation purposes and will not be displayed online. 

All entries are the opinions of our participants and not what Sacred House purports to be "the truth". This blog is for as many definitions of spirituality as there are people.